
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

Luce Dipinta has been invited to create a new building projection for the Christmas season in 2015. This time the mapping projection will be closer to the Christmas market on a different building than previous years. Preliminary tests have been made and you may see the results in these images.

Sixty presentations: 28-29/11/2015, 04-08/12/2015, 11-13/12/2015, 18-19/12/2015 at 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00, 19:30

More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.


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Lana Lights Festival