
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

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From 24th to 26th April 2015 -

Luce Dipinta Multivisioni presents the much awaited 3rd edition of the Painting with Light Festival.
This year taking place in the centre of Lana with three days of projection events. All events are ticketless - free entrance, including:

"Watch This Space" - Two evenings of open-air archtectural projections with live music at the old Zuegg jam and juice factory near Tribusplatz, Lana. With premiere highlights of "Resonantia - The Anatomy of a Building" - a live performance between sound experimentalist Peter#KOMPRIPIOTR#Holzknecht and projection artist Alex Rowbotham, and a performance by one of the most renowned and outstanding European didgeridoo players, Andrea Ferroni (Torino) with the projection "Jam Factory”.

"Watch This Space" in Griesplatz
“Gala Gala” - Apples are the subject for this building projection above the Oberwirt Lana Restaurant.
A photographic exhibition in Oberwirt Lana Restaurant is accompanied by an architectural projection "Street / Straight into the Camera" by Francesco Lopergolo and Ferdinando Fassolo (Padova).

 "Let Loose" - an indoor screening of video and multivision shows by international professional
artists who are at the cutting edge of design and technology, and produce work for the love of it,
even without a client. Coming from Australia, Italy, France, USA, Norway and United Kingdom.

AIDAMA (Associazione italiana degli auturi di multivisione artistica)
Presenting a rich and diverse variety of multivision shows by members of this creative group.

"Bicinecleta" A three-day workshop with Basurama (Madrid). To create a bicycle projector using recycled parts. This is a WerkBank and JUX initiative which will culminate in urban projections on the streets of Lana.

How did you do that?” - an informal presentation by one of the festival artists dicussing
how they created their architectural projection, including specialist software, a general discussion
and demonstrations, curated and presented by Alex Rowbotham and one of the festival artists.

 “Lana Lights Menu” - Festival Dinners - everyone is welcome to book a place to share the
evening relaxing with the artists and staff at the end of each evening. Fixed 3 course menus €40.
24th, 25th, 26th April 22,30 Oberwirt Lana. To make your reservation call +39 0473 490 911

 More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.


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Lana Lights Festival