
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

Painting with Light festival 2008 document coverAugust 2008, Val Venosta, Alto Adige, Italy. Luce dipinta has taken over the role of organiser and will be building on the success of the first edition held in August 2006. For more information please follow the link to A new website for the next edition will be online early in 2008 and will include details on how artists/authors can submit their work for possible inclusion in the festival program.

More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.

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