Support the Luce Dipinta in our efforts to offer public programming such as spectacular Light Art installations, video mapping, shows, workshops and artist talks free to every adult and child.
Our events are FREE to the public (residents, visitors and tourists alike) with only part public funding. We are fortunate to have some private sponsors and partners, but we really NEED YOUR HELP in continuing to contribute to other events or festivals whilst developing ideas for the future.
DONATE €5 or more now, just click to pay using PayPal.Me/lucedipinta
DONATE €5 or more now using bank transfer direct to our account:
Luce Dipinta Multivisioni
Swift-BIC: RZSBIT21015
IBAN: IT 02 X 08110 58450 000300245470
include reference: DONATION
Thank you for helping us to run another Lana Lights Festival!
Sabrina Horak
Luce Dipinta Multivisioni